
anki-share provides a simple way to share Anki decks.
Normally, sharing decks can be quite frustrating - most people don't use anki and don't like the idea of installing it just to view a few flashcards. And of course there is ankiweb, but it requires an account and you cannot import local decks. As a result, it is almost impossible to share your amazing Anki cards with someone that doesn't use anki.

Anki-share takes care of this problem. You simply upload the Anki deck and share the generated url with anyone. They will then be able to view the deck from any web browser - be it on a computer, tablet or mobile phone. They won't be able to use all the advance features Anki has to offer, but for a quick learning session, it's perfect!

To share your Anki deck, export it and upload the .apkg file below.

Maximum file size is 100MB. Only .apkg files are allowed. Uploaded decks are publicly accessible by anyone.

How does it work?

After uploading the deck, it will be processed and saved on the server. You will be automatically redirected to a page where you can view the deck, browse and practice the cards or download the original .apkg file. You can share this url with anyone, they will also be able to view your deck.


author: Cenek Potuznik (
source code: github

If you experience any problems while using anki-share or have a suggestion on how to make it better, please contact me at [email protected]

To get help, suggest new features or share yours decks, please join the anki-share discord server.